TWLOHA (To Write Love On Her Arms) is a non profit dedicated to helping people who struggle with things like depression, suicide, cutting, eating disorders, hair pulling, skin picking, drug and alcohol abuse, and much more.
They aren't afraid of discussing the issues we normally hide from each other in society. They are dedicated to helping any and everyone.
Please click on the link after the tweet below and read a powerful, truthful, and beautiful entry from founder Jaimie Tworkowski. Thank you.
And try to never be afraid of these issues. Neither you or anyone else is crazy for dealing with these issues, and neither you nor anyone else is any less of a Christian just because you are struggling with an issue society normally would rather not talk about. That especially the Christian society would rather not make public.
God, Christ, TWLOHA and I love you and are here for you. We are not, repeat not, afraid of or stunned by your pain. We understand how real your pain is. You are not alone. All we want is to help, in whatever way we can. Much love to you all. Always. No matter what.
11/1/11 4:00 PM
"Maybe we begin to help our friends become unhaunted when we let them know we're not afraid of their pain."
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