Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Man vs Nature

I love this stanza from canto four of Byron's Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, which many may remember from the movie Into The Wild, which I adore, but it often worries me how much this quote describes who I am. I mean, we all remember how the movie ends, right?

But I can't help it. Each mile driven really does lessen the weight in my chest (Donald Miller). And I'm never happier than when in Nature. But there's a time and place right?

Yeah, walking through the garden with God having long talks with Him was a slice of heaven for Adam, but at the end of the day, he was still lonely. Even in paradise.

I just really wish I could look deep enough into myself to know if I love the solitude in nature a bit too much. But even if I found out I did, what would I actually do about it?

These thoughts worry me often. Nonetheless, this stanza is beautiful, and seemingly perfect. Enjoy! In the correct proportions of course. We are indeed relational beings. Maybe I just need to find a helpmate to enjoy nature with...that would be nice.

There is pleasure in the pathless woods,
There is a rapture on the lonely shore,
There is society, where none intrudes,
By the deep sea, and music in its roar:
I love not man the less, but Nature more,
From these our interviews, in which I steal
From all I may be, or have been before,
To mingle with the Universe, and feel
What I can ne'er express, yet cannot all conceal.

LORD BYRON, Childe Harold

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

True Love: Why Marriage Will Be The Death of You

This is from Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller, except he has it being said by a man to his wife as he whispers some lines to her while she is sleeping. It's from chapter 13: Romance (Meeting Girls Is Easy).

Despite his humor, especially the humor in his chapter titles, this is the chapter I reread most often. I've probably read it at least 50 times--no exaggeration.

In this chapter, the lines the husband is whispering to his wife while kneeling at her bedside, are from a play he was writing called Polaroids, about a couple losing their child and whether or not that horrible loss would break them up.

The husbands lines are the most beautiful, honest words that I've found, ever, on marriage, specifically a Christian one. It shares what we do wrong in marriage and what we should be doing instead.

The dialogue feels like poetry, that has an older style wisdom and yet captures how we feel now, and what we still try to make marriage into: something that it's not and never should be.

But for this instance tonight I am going to be the husband, and I'm going to whisper some lines, the last few lines, of the speech, to God, to Christ, in a prayer, and I ask you all to join me if you will.

From the bride to her Bridegroom:

Dear God,

"I will stop expecting Your love, demanding Your love, trading for Your love, gaming for Your love. I will simply love. I am giving myself to You, and tomorrow I will do it again. I suppose the clock itself will wear thin its time before I am ended at this alter of dying and dying again."

Amen (So be it, truly)

And we are dying to self by the way, and the ways of the world: what the world tells us love and marriage are. Because we are Not Of This World (John 17:16) and thus we should love not as the world does, but as God and Christ do: Unconditionally.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

What Is Christmas?

“What is Christmas? It is tenderness for the past, courage for the present, hope for the future. It is a fervent wish that every cup may overflow with blessings rich and eternal, and that every path may lead to peace.”    - Agnes M. Pahro

May we celebrate Christ’s birth not just today, but all year long. May we know that we are loved. May we feel His presence in our lives, in our stories. May we know how blessed we are to be characters in each other’s stories, and to be in His.

There is no greater joy than celebrating Jesus. May the miracle of CHRISTmas bless our hearts with God’s unending and unconditional love!


Love, Zoe


“I Celebrate The Day” by Relient K

And with this Christmas wish is missed / The point I could convey / If only I could find the words to say / To let You know how much You’ve touched my life / Because here is where You’re finding me / In the exact same place as New Year’s Eve / And from a lack of my persistency / We’re less than half as close as I want to be

And the first time that You opened Your eyes did You realize that You would be my Savior? And the first breath that left Your lips, did You know that it would change this world forever?

And so this Christmas I’ll compare the things I felt in prior years / To what this midnight made so clear, that You have come to meet me here

To look back and think that / This baby would one day save me / In the hope that what You did / That You were born so I might really live / To look back and think that / This baby would one day save me

And I, I celebrate the day / That You were born to die / So I could one day pray for You to save my life / Pray for You to save my life / Pray for You to save my life


I love you all, and I wish you a beautiful and loving Merry Christmas filled with God’s gifts of Love, Joy, Peace, Faith, and Hope. God’s blessings to everyone!

Love, Zoe

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A TWLOHA Unhaunting

TWLOHA (To Write Love On Her Arms) is a non profit dedicated to helping people who struggle with things like depression, suicide, cutting, eating disorders, hair pulling, skin picking, drug and alcohol abuse, and much more.

They aren't afraid of discussing the issues we normally hide from each other in society. They are dedicated to helping any and everyone.

Please click on the link after the tweet below and read a powerful, truthful, and beautiful entry from founder Jaimie Tworkowski. Thank you.

And try to never be afraid of these issues. Neither you or anyone else is crazy for dealing with these issues, and neither you nor anyone else is any less of a Christian just because you are struggling with an issue society normally would rather not talk about. That especially the Christian society would rather not make public.

God, Christ, TWLOHA and I love you and are here for you. We are not, repeat not, afraid of or stunned by your pain. We understand how real your pain is. You are not alone. All we want is to help, in whatever way we can. Much love to you all. Always. No matter what.

11/1/11 4:00 PM
"Maybe we begin to help our friends become unhaunted when we let them know we're not afraid of their pain."

Copy Link And Paste It In Your Browser Please or go to Thanks.

Monday, October 31, 2011

The Third Option

"Either God isn't personal and I've wasted my time, or he is personal and he hates me."

"There's a third option," Rudy suggested. "God loves you, but crappy things still happen."

- From Angry Conversations With God by Susan Isaacs

God's Silence

This entry is for all of us. We've all had those times when God FEELS far away. And completely silent. Here are some thoughts on that.

"So what if my lifelong dream and my relationship tanked? These were nothing but middle-class white girl's tragedies. But I was a middle-class white girl, with middle-class white girl's faith. In fact, my middle-class white girl's tragedies ceased to be the tragedy at all: the tragedy was God's response--total silence. I couldn't hear God or see God or sense God anywhere or in anything. Some people call this the Dark Night of the Soul. It was dark, all right. And silent. And I was alone."

- Susan Isaacs

But that's the way it is isn't it? I mean, think about it:

Job loses everything and what does God do or say? Nothing. For 37 chapters it's nothing but rambling and complaining and humans thinking they know what's going on and why this happened to Job. And God just listens to it!

Job has his ideas. His friends have theirs. His wife has hers. [None of which are right. None of which are God's Truth.] And God? God is silent.

Do you know what I'm talking about? If you don't, I'm pretty sure you repressed it or are lying to yourself and to us and to God.

Here's the thing though. I'm thinking that so called "dark silent time" is partially if not completely for two reasons.

The first being if we don't get all those emotions out while they are freshly thrust inside of us, they will only grow quickly in resentment, hatred and over-emotionalism, only damaging our relationship with God and Christ more.

Secondly, it is just as Rick Warren says in Purpose Driven Life: Life is a test and a trust. God wants to see how we will react to such tragedies. If we react wrong, He knows what work needs to be done still. If we react as correctly as any stereotypical self-serving human could, then He knows we can handle even more the next time.

"Tribulations cannot cease until God either sees us remade or sees that our remaking is now hopeless."

- C. S. Lewis

And the thing of the matter that WE are the ones with work to do when tragedy strikes, not God. Because honestly, what more could He really do for us compared to all He has done and is doing already? To ask for more is to say what He is doing isn't perfect enough. But He is perfect.

The problem isn't God. The problem is we are spoiled. And the problem that's even bigger than that, is that God is not in the business of creating spoiled children.

But its just so frustrating, isn't it? Because right there, in that moment, in the bottom of the chasm of the blackest of holes, we aren't capable of doing anything! Anything but complaining, and whining, and crying, and questioning God, when we should be questioning ourselves.

Ok, look. I know you think I'm crazy, because we all know writing about what we should do and actually doing it couldn't be farther from being the same thing. But...

But I have been there...

I was there two days ago. And tonight I'm back where God wants me to be. Well, I'm at least closer to where He wants me to be than I was two days ago.

You CAN do this. Get through God's silence. And don't ever think you are the only one who feels this way. Because I promise you you aren't. It's just that admitting God feels far away is embarrassing. We think it makes us weak Christians. It doesn't! Being thrust into tribulation doesn't and will never make you a weak Christian: It's what MAKES you Christian! And how we respond to trials and tribulations is what defines us. It's what gives our spark of God--our soul--an identity (John Keats). An identity set apart.

So if you are drowning in tragedy today, tomorrow, or anytime in the future, and you FEEL like you cant find, see, or hear God, remember...remember this blog post. Remember that while Job was sitting by a fire mourning the loss of everything he had, while still picking the scabs from his wounds, he responded to the whirlwind God spoke through by saying, "All this is too wonderful for me!"

And you may not be able to do that right away, but neither was Job, and he was "a righteous man" in God's eyes. And remember that God gave them, Job and his wife and friends, up until and through the 37th chapter to rant, vent, complain, and to try to figure out why.

Only God knows how long your 37 chapters will be, but be patient. If He thinks you need 37 chapters to get all of "it" out of you before you can listen to Him, then there's a reason for that. Use those 37 chapters as wisely as you can.

Because "the answer to this pain, or the cure for this pain, is not given in explanation; rather, God offers to this pain, or this life experience, Himself. Not steps, not an understanding, not a philosophy, but Himself. I take this to mean the first thing God wanted to communicate to humanity was that He was God, He was very large and in control, storing snow in Kansas, stopping waves at a certain point on the beach, causing clouds to carry rain, causing wind to race down imaginary hills of barometric pressure, and that if he could do all this, then he could be trusted, and that, perhaps, this would help us through our lives. And so from the beginning, from the very first story told in Scripture, God presents life, as it is, without escape, with only Himself to cling to."

- Donald Miller, Searching For God Knows What

So what if you aren't ready right away. That's what those 37 chapters are for.

Well, You don't think you will be or are ready. At least not quite yet...

You know, there is this vista in Northern California that I cherish. At over 6,000 feet, if cars aren't speeding by, and if no one else has stopped there, there is absolutely nothing but the purest of silence.

And this silence, while staring out at all God's created just to dazzle us, its sometimes so loud it's almost deafening.

You can feel its weight on your skin.

You can breathe it in.

It's thick.

It's clean.

It's awe inspiring.

And That, my friends, IS God!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Open Road, Open Space, Open Heart

From Donald Miller's Through Painted Deserts


10/30/11 7:15 AM

"Hope sees the invisible, feels the intangible and achieves the impossible."

- Charles Caleb Colton

A Longer Lasting Wholeness

“You extended the time he might live in the body until You should give him a greater and longer lasting wholeness.”

- St. Augustine

I approached the abyss seven years ago. And I bargained with God in the beginning. But seven years ago today is when a shady peace entered my hospital room. And it was that fog of death that led me to give up. To give in.

My body was in a living hell and all I longed for was heaven. But You, oh Lord, knew. You knew I couldn't go to heaven in the state I was in. No, You were planning a longer lasting wholeness for me God...

Thank you will never be enough. Mere words mean nothing if I don't live a life that shows You and everyone else how grateful I am.

I have no reason to wallow or hide or play hermit on this seven year anniversary. I can and should only be eternally grateful. Eternally filled with thanks and joy. Eternally in awe of Your story telling. How blessed are we to be a character in Your story!?

How Well You Know Me Augustine

“Is it any wonder that this straying, hapless sheep, who was dissatisfied with Your shepherding, was infected with a foul disease? [His was of the heart, but nonetheless, I guess mine was of the heart too. In addition to the physical disease.] … Since I had forsaken You, You allowed me to approach the treacherous edge of the abyss… how I loved mine own ways and not Yours.”

- St. Augustine